Everyone - please. I urge you, to watch the movie "What the Bleep!? Down the Rabbit Hole".
Ridiculous. Intellectual. Backed by Science. Powered by curiosity. And delivered with message after message ... this movie has it all. It proposes a new set of ways of looking, of learning, of living.
On a personal note, there are so many things in this movie that just resonated. It verbally and scientifically expresses thoughts and beliefs I have so ineloquently been trying to state and prove (through experience) for almost all of my adult life . These are the prinicples that are missing from my life when I am not happy. Im so thrilled about this accidental find, that I cannot even summarize - its too large of a reaction.
But I can tell you this - never before have I watched and heard something in a movie, to immediately scream "Fuck ya! So fucking right on" even when no one else was around to hear it. And I did it during this movie multiple times.
Take away from the movie what you will. But do *not* let this movie slip by you.
kierah, if you of all people do not watch this movie, so fucking help me ... I will come straight over and poke you in the eye with such veracity that it will make even you - queen of the eyepoke - proud. Then I will make you watch it with me. Seriously, this movie has you written all over it.)