Sep 08, 2004 08:37
One word describes this past weekend, perfect. So as you guys have noticed, i havent updeated my live journal in a few days because ive been with gina. i had the MOST amazing time with her. i cant even tell half of the amazing things that happened becaue that would take up hours and hours worth of typing so i will go over the maing things.
Thursday i left school around3 and started driving to atlanta, nothing could make me happier than to know that (in a few hours) i would be with Gina. a series of wrong things happened and my flight was about 3 hours delayed for various reasons and problems with things on the plane, like "mysterious" luggage that somehow apperead on the plane. when i got to the airport and we landed i was shaking because i knew that it wasnt a dream. The Austin airport is very small and there is only one exit (i think). there were no other planes that day so we were alone in the whole building. i walked to the escalator and started going down it when i saw her. she stood out like an angel. the moment i saw her i remembered the first time i saw her and it made me really happy. she was crying and it made me realize that it meant just as mugch to her as it did for me.
That night we went to this really awesome place that nobody ever goes, since i havenever been to austin i was going to let her decide where we would go everyday and what we would do. we sat under the stars near the train tracks and it was amazing. i wish that night lasted forever. i gave her something that night that meant alot to me that i have had for years. she has it on her keychain if any of you want to ask her about it. from there we went and got a bite to eat but it was about 4:30 in the morning and she had school the next day so i wanted to go to the house so she could rest for the next day. she ended up going to only two classes before i got a text telling me to come and pick her up. i didnt want her to skip school but she insisted and gina always has her way of getting what she wants so i just gave in because i wanted to be with her as well.
I just realized how long this is going to be. i mean ive already wrote alot and im not even through 11A.M. on the first i will hit the highlights. we had an amazing day and drive around eating and then back to the house to rest and relax a little, once school was out we went back there and i met a ton of her friends. it felt really good to hold her hand and get sweet kisses infront of EVERYONE
i gota go so im gona end it here, ill finish it when i get home, im in class