Apr 12, 2006 23:26
Brilliant, I typed out a rather nice LJ entry and accidently deleted it. Wundebar.
Anyways, things have been hectic seeing that I juggle my part-time job, college assignments and pet projects with the skills of a clown on Crystal Meth. Nevertheless, it's been a satisfying experience and I can proudly say, at the expense of sound cocky, that Final Cut Pro is no longer rocket science to me and it's nothing more than a really really engaging Strategy RPG. something along the lines of FF: Tactics.
Some rather interesting things have popped up in my life, what I thought was time wasted turned out to be a very good selling my point for my college name. I'm currently in the running for an Ad Competition called AdWave organized by USM and my Mass Comm Lecturer and I are working out details for a TV programme about student-made short films for 8TV. If things work out, my dreams of doing film could very well be made a reality and with Advertising by my side... well, things could be bright in the future. No more Amir the Bum. =9
In other news, today is the first time in my entire life that a doctor told me to ease up on my working habits and get more rest. It seems that my blood pressure is somewhat high for a 20 year old, well ain't that just great. Well, there goes my projected image that I live a relatively stress-free life.
Anyways, I'm currently going through the love-at-first-sight stage with my Ads and while the iron is blazingly white hot, I'm off to forge my Balmung