Jul 18, 2006 08:14
Today is my grandmother's 94th birthday. She brought 3 children, 11 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren, and 3 great great grandchildren into the world.
She lived independently until a stroke last year made that impossible. She now resides in a nursing home and her mind is confused most of the time. What little she can say doesn't make sense. But she still has a spunk to her that doesn't put up with what she doesn't like.
We took cake and ice cream to her nursing home over the weekend. She laughed when we came and cried when we left. Us, too.
It's amazing to think of all she has seen in her life. She was a young mother during the Depression and that mindset of wasting nothing continued with her for the rest of her life. She sent her two sons off to war. She has outlived 2 husbands, 11 siblings and one of her sons.
Grandma used to say, "I don't care if people know how old I am; after you get to a certain age, you're proud of it."
Here's to you, Grandma.