:V *blahblahblah*

Nov 10, 2008 19:32

 It would be nice if I could be more useful. :/

I've been doing nothing but idle in the water since summer, really. I mean, yeah, I'm doing the schoolwork... But that's just doing it, you know? I'm not really applying myself much, and I haven't written or finished drawing much at all. I've stopped being active on forums and such, and I hardly post here any more. I can't honestly say why... but I feel a bit useless.

The whole NaNoWriMo thing going around isn't helping. God, I wish I could write a novel... but the most I can really squeeze out is short stories. Which is okay in some respects, I guess - It's better than nothing, and a  lot of people prefer collections of short stories to novels, mostly due to easier "chunks" to read. Now if only I could write about something other than fracking dragons. :P

Things are going pretty well socially. My friend's girlfriend is annoying; she seems very much a textbook definition of fluff bunny. Meh, doesn't really matter to me, but it does get annoying.

The whole personality experiment thing is going interestingly. I'm finding myself more and more often thinking in the voices of the different personae, and even, at times, arguing with myself. It's odd, to say the least. *laughs* I find myself wanting to see how socially odd I can get with experiments. I'm thinking about being completely silent for a day or two, and seeing what that's like. I can't wait to see what reactions I get.

It's really easy to "get going" once you've started writing, especially with Livejournal. I mean, good god. I started out saying how useless I wan and now I'm on my 6th paragrah. Isn't it funny how that stuff works?

In romantic news, Kala and I are going well. and by well I mean, I fucking love him. X3

Abrupt end.

Abrupt Edit: Heroes is tonight! ANybody watch so that I can geek out with you about it?

Abrupt Edit #2: Durnit, zyleeth! Ever since you mentioned the Arbiter's Ground on Halloween, I have been on a TOTAL Twilight Princess Binge. @.:.@ I'm at the Temple of Time right now, after starting over.

blah, updates, etc.

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