[It's a library. Just... far bigger than the one in the mansion. You are armed with an oil lamp. Not far away, you will see a desk with four lamps positioned on it. A half-dressed Patchy (Why half-dressed? It might make you more keen on approaching!) has already gotten comfortable and now sits at the desk, straining to read a book on it under the almost nonexistent light produced by the lamps.
Occasionally, though, one may erupt in a bright, almost endlessly-high column of flame, getting uncomfortably close to a book or shelf or ceiling. Then, it immediately vanishes after tormenting the visibly-upset Patchouli.
Disturbingly, if you look down at the floor, you might see a series of mostly unintelligible words written on it, probably appearing just as they did in whatever book they were found in at first. Just... a little more red.]
Mood music. Well, it does need something creepy.)