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RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little-known facts about themselves. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
1. I became an aunt at 6 (and a great-aunt at 31!)
2. My first camera was a 45c 126 from Coles Variety Stores when I was 9 - and damn if it didn't take bad shots!
3. My primary school caught fire and flames were 100ft high and all through the building within minutes of us being evacuated.
4. I broke my collar-bone at my second judo lesson.
5. I have Morton's Toe - my second toe longer than the big toe - I long for a hobbit bare-foot society.
6. I cannot (digestively) tolerate fatty (red) meat cuts - it has to be lean, lean, lean - although I can eat pork crackling!
7. I ate rabbit for the first time on Wednesday.
8. Rainy night in Clonmel, Ireland and no onward transport. The station-master let us sleep in the waiting room as long as we were gone by first train at 7.30am
9. I did line-dancing for a year. Purely for the exercise.
10. I've seen Tolkien's original design for 'The Hobbit' dust-jacket.