May 16, 2007 16:32
i was feeling a-lil fatigued ... as normal . the pontiac infront me fell beyond a dark horizon ,but my mind still gripped to the music of my background . Only untill i really considered the music . Could i save myself . i awoke with fear of death , eyes wide ... inhabited by an onGrowing reflection of the car infront of me . A lane change was attemped .....No room ! Brakes slammed ,but no screeching sound . Brake pedal hit the floor , but still only a small reaction from the company truck i was driving . frig . boom . accident prone peyton has done it again ! you cheeky cheeky china man stop yellin at me you stopped on the highway . I come from hos-pi-tal !!! you hit meeeeee!
your okay ? cool ......... then to the Glove box - no company insurance - no vehicle registration . omg .... and i forgot my wallet . but i still manage to remain uncharged . ugh well now i have to go pull the lucky horse shoe from my ass !! lmao . PEACE