Jun 02, 2006 21:33
been a while since an update...
i'm all moved in to the new place, still learnin my way around, but having to do it a lot quicker now that we've started running programs. today i got to teach people how to make baskets out of pine needles and buffalo sinew. and tonight i led a "wildlife loop" caravan. there was only one old couple that came, so at the end, they had to take a picture with me cuz i was their "private tourguide". tomorrow (and every weekend hereafter), i'll be heading down south to a park where they're just getting a naturalist program set up. i'll be the only naturalist they have there this summer. and for my summer project (each naturalist gets their own project, usually PR pamphlet type stuff) i get to design the layout, pictures and text for some signs they're going to put up along the trail down there 0_o the stuff i do this summer will be up for everyone to see for years!
working at the southern park, i'll get pretty familiar with most of the programs here, but my major programs that are really just 'mine' are....
Junior Naturalist Program - Snakes: focused toward kids ages 7-12 where they learn about snake adaptations and get to make a pipecleaner rattlesnakes
Evening Program - Wildlife management: an hour-long powerpoint/slideshow on wildlife management in the park
Nature Hike - French Creek Natural Area: one of the few areas in the park that's not actively managed. follows French Creek and is great for seeing birds
Patio Talk - Pine needle baskets: teaching people to make baskets like i did today...
in addition to everyone having a different talk for the above programs (patio talk, nature hike, etc.), we also all teach goldpanning, lead the caravan, and work in the visitors' centers. we also try to keep people from getting too close to the buffalo...
that's enough for now... i have to get up early tomorrow... i'll try to get some pictures up when i can get my film developed (it's like 15 miles to the nearest 'town' of like 200 people)