May 11, 2007 21:17
I can't wait for finals to be over with! It seems like all of my friends are done (and have been done for at least a day or two). I feel like I'm the only one left in the entire school that isn't done with finals, even though I know I'm not because there are about 30 other people in my Food Science class who aren't done. My last final is FDSC from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. They gave our class the last possible scheduled time slot! That's the only bad thing about majoring in Food Science, we are always the last people to take our finals.
How have the rest of my finals been going? Well, my highest grade so far has been a 78% on my Mass Comm final, which I took Monday. That gives me a B in the class. Then I had my biology final on tuesday. I made a 61% on that one, which kept my grade at a C (which I am happy with because I knew I wasn't going to bring it up to a B b/c I would have had to make like a 94 on the exam and I knew that wasn't going to happen). Then I had my Trig final on Wed. which went horribly wrong because I forgot to take my medicine that morning and I also didn't study as much as I should have (I only studied for like an hour). I ended up making a 51% on that test. Hopefully I will still have a B in the class though, I had an 89% in the class before the exam so hopefully I can keep a B. Then I spent all day yesterday and today studying for my chemistry final. I took it at 5:30 tonight and according to the key that he posted online I made a 50% on that (which made me sad because I actually thought I did a lot better than that). That gives me the lowest possible D (a 60.001%) in Chemistry. I'm looking at having a little better D after they curve the exam and after he puts in my points from that extra credit homework assignment I did. I'm happy as long as I keep a D though because then I won't have to take Chemistry again (which would make me want to kill myself). Now I just have my FDSC exam tomorrow and then I'll be done.
I start my student job next week. That should be fun, hopefully. And I also was told about a possible weekend job working at a catering company for this summer by my mother this morning. That would be awesome! I hope I get to do that.