Robbie's First Live Journal :)

Sep 11, 2005 23:19

My name is Robert John Walsh and im an alcoholic...
First time writer. My name is Robert but u can call me Robbie :)On thrusday night i went to cricket training then went to the pub with Matty and Tony... got drunk and came back to danicas house to have a sleepover with Lee n Danica and Jabbzy. On Friday me n tony we're stupid enough to accompany Danica and jess into town to take them shopping.. big mistake i dont think i've ever been that bored.. it was GREAT.. then went to a mates house with tony and matty to watch the Football and watch geelong play shit and loose by 3 point. jess was quite upset about the loss. then came home to find jess in bed and me feeling quite sick so i went n chucked in the toilet it was quite eventful. Saturday went to the football with tony to watch Under 18's grandfinal... drank some more piss and then jess came down after work to whinge that she was bored so we went home to have sex. 30 mins later and 11 missed calls from Danica we had to get ready for Shanes 21st. Hour and a Half late we arrived to once again drink more piss. Met all Jess's friends me n Shane (enash) became best friends.. Right Gun.. Left Pistol.. hope its working for ya mate. Started shit between lee and Danica so they fougt..go team Robbie. lee thought i was picking up his girlfriend while lee and my girlfriend we're outside.. thanks stitch. took a hysterical Danica home as she obviously doesnt know how to cry QUIETLY. Got back to lee and Danicas and decided it was best not to stay there so i drove jess and her car home..But i wasnt drunk.. haha. So its now a sunday evening and i was quite bored at danicas house with jess and nica having their girl talks so i thought i would become a geek and write this thing that jess seems so interested in..Peace out
P.S - Tara dont ever have a shit that stinks out jabbzy toilet ever again... that was BAD
p.p.s - dont worry this was my first and last lj as it has taken me years to write. You fuking Geeks.
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