I left Mobile in the rain on Thursday and returned in the rain a little bit ago. Brook's wedding was beautiful. Savannah was beautiful. Maybe it is because I love my friends, but each wedding I go to gets sweeter and sweeter. Maybe it is because I am in complete love and can appreciate what this mushy stuff is all about. I just know I cried my silly eyes out.
Something really fun and movie-like happened on the flight home this morning. When I left Mobile I stopped in the airport shop and picked up
this book. It is a charming little book -perfect for airplane reading. Well, today I was reading this book on the return flight when someone tapped my shoulder and said (in a beautiful Scottish accent), "Excuse me, but I am the author of that book." I turned around to find Mr. Smith standing beside me. How weird and random and fun and doesn't-ever-happen-to-me is that? It turns out he is speaking at a bookstore in Fairhope tonight. I am trying to find someone to go with me. Justin can't go because he is in Nashville for a month.
Going to nap now. Cheers to all.