
Jan 19, 2009 15:00

I am an idiot
I was just about to write a post about being relaxed for the first time in ages, cos I don't have an uni work to do or have to stress about anything.
then I realised about a dozen photos of my work that I'd taken hadn't been put into the folders before I handed them in. fuketycuntragbollox.
I am suckcore.


well it's done I suppose. the real deal's were inside the folders so it doesn't matter much now.

think we get our marks in our first thursday tutorials back. that's made me a bit nervous now.

I'm thinking more big nights out. less random-meaningless-drink-myself-stupid-until-I-feel-like-a-dick nights.
and more dressing up. don't do enough of that.

can you tell I'm just killing time until I start work at 5?

I'm clockwork orange sexy. awh yeaah

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