Stolen from
Your rainbow is intensely shaded white, violet, and green.
What is says about you: You are a creative person. You feel strong ties to nature and your mood changes with its cycles. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality. People depend on you to make them feel secure.
Find the colors of your rainbow at, no.
God I love thanksgiving in spite of mum's attempts at trite sentimentality about Nana. I love eating until I'm stuffed and I love taking my long walk after wards. It makes me realize how much I still miss Ziggy because this is the first year I took my Thanksgiving walk alone. It was pretty weird but oh well, right? Life goes on.
I've been enjoying my job a lot. My co-workers are friendly and nice and I enjoy getting a nice paycheck.
I haven't gotten around to scanning the massive amount of art for the Blue Pearls that I've been meaning to. Seriously, two sketchbooks sitting on mum's scanner and I've just been too much of a bum to scan anything.
I've been doing nothing but art and working on Barberry lately. I haven't really been in the mood to RP, but I never am this time of year. Give it a few days and I won't be able to drag my ass off the computer. I've been avoiding my tablet a little... I feel bad because all my best work seems to be digital, but I need to work on physical media for a bit. I NEED THE SMELL OF ACID FREE PAPER AND THE STINKY METAL SMELL OF MY CHEAPASS BALLPOINT PENS FOR SOME REASON ID-FUCKING-K.
The Secrets of Barberry Village
Prologue: A Greetings of Sorts and an Explanation of Witching
It so begins for all things to start small and become great. Before a young lady can become a sorceress she must be a witch. And before she can call herself 'witch' she must begin as an apprentice and learn the most important secrets of magic.
Should she complete her apprenticeship, she will find that no feat is impossible to her. She will learn to polish her wit, her cunning and resourcefulness. The magic helps a bit too.
Rosemary's story is an... unusual one. While it is a tale well-known generally, too much until now has been left to rumour and speculation. I took it upon myself to chronicle the truths and details of an incident that have, until now, been largely hidden.
Though proud I am that my former student would trust me with such intimate details of her life, this is not a duty undertaken with pride or some sanctimonious nonsense about honouring the publics' collective right to know. No, no. We witches like our secrets and are honourbound to keeping both ours and those of others trusted with us.
Rather, this is something which I leave to future generations, as per the wishes of a Miss. Tarragon. An example to learn from and learn you should.
It is very important to open yourself to new ideas.
...the world is changing.