Oct 15, 2007 18:35
Wow ...it has been almost two months since I updated this. Life is so unexplainable and so random, I love it. we fall we get up, we find ourselves in situations we dont understand but later might. I think I am begining to understand some from the past. I know that not everything will be better right away and I will always have days where I dont want to be here. But I know I can get through them becasue I have people around me who help and I know now that I have the strength to do anything. I think the thing that got me through the last two years of high school was one teacher, She told me evey day that I was going to take over the world. I really dont think she understood at that point where I was, but her words all ways made me want to be there and made me want to learn all I could. It is people like that, who make the world better and that is who I want to be even if I dont make a huge diffrence I want to at lest help one person I want to make the diffrence in one persons life.