Found it, found it! DPS fic!

Dec 04, 2009 20:16

So, after being positive i'd lost it forever i found my Dead Poets Society fic "Aerodynamic".

No spoilers or anything....just vague..ramblings that i'm pretty sure were much more profound when i first wrote it.

No characters are even mentioned, but if you know DPS, i think it refers to the end of the movie...possibly Todd!Musings.

Based on the 'desk set' scene, which i so kindly stole the quotes rom IMDB

Neil: [Neil finds Todd sitting alone on the roof] Hey!
Todd Anderson: Hey.
Neil: What's going on?
Todd Anderson: Nothin'. Today's my birthday.
Neil: Is today your birthday? Happy birthday!
Todd Anderson: Thanks.
Neil: What'd you get?
Todd Anderson: [indicating the desk set lying beside him] My parents gave me this.
Neil: Isn't this the same desk set-
Todd Anderson: Yeah. Yeah, they gave me the same thing as last year.
Neil: Oh.
Todd Anderson: Oh.
Neil: Maybe they thought you needed another one.
Todd Anderson: Maybe they weren't thinking about anything at all. The funny thing is about this is, I-I didn't even like it the first time.
Neil: Todd, I think you're underestimating the value of this desk set.
[He picks it up]
Neil: I mean, who would want a football or a baseball or...
Todd Anderson: Or a car.
Neil: Or a car, if they could have a desk set as wonderful as this one? I mean, if-if I were ever going to buy a desk set, twice, I would probably buy this one. Both times! In fact, its shape is... it's rather aerodynamic, isn't it?
[walks to the edge of the roof]
Neil: You can feel it. This desk set wants to fly!
[hands it to Todd]
Neil: Todd? The world's first unmanned flying desk set.
[Todd throws it off the roof - papers fly everywhere and things crash and clatter to the ground]
Neil: Oh my! Well, I wouldn't worry. You'll get another one next year.

and fic:

We all streamline through the holds of society….just some more than others.

We breeze through life until some barrier…some opposing force hits us, and we’re thrown back.

Some break that barrier in their own way. Barreling through life in an erratic display of no self-control, pushing the limits until that barrier is broken….only to discover life beyond the barrier is just as resistant. There are penalties to the law of aerodynamics. Go too fast, too soon and the effects leave you spiraling.

Others glide along effortlessly, under the radar of the barrier, taking the given course. It isn’t until that barrier presses your journey, rakes at the longing and the desires of your own soul, that aerodynamics is broken. Breaking that barrier becomes your sole purpose in life…to streamline free and unhindered into that new life. In a way, its like being submerged, drowning in a pool of oppression, and suddenly you’re free, breaking to the surface. Go too fast, and the incoming pressure will eat you inside out. You’ll see the gleam of promise. The oppression sluicing off your body, but it was all too fast.

Between tiny sliver of two worlds, before you break the surface…the collision collapses in. Unable to swiftly breech the surface, the barrier hits. Caught between two worlds, you tumble, and all crashes down.

And you sink.

aerodynamic, dps, fic

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