In The Shadows...(of Ianto's Jones' mind)

Aug 25, 2009 10:45

This post might as well be re-written as SPOILERIFIC for Torchwood Audiobook 'In the Shadows' may as well get it yourself

There are times i want to absorb Torchwood books/Audiobooks into my pores, and times i want to throw 'em out the window. There are some things that should be put in the show, honestly.

Now i've got the best imagery and the impossible task of doing an animated icon of a scene from the audiobook "In the Shadows" with Tosh and Ianto, where Tosh is watching Ianto spinning in a wheelie chair, pushing himself to the other side of the room, and then back, as Eve Myles so wonderfully narrates his dialogue:


Ianto: He doesn't look to bothered.

Jack: Maybe he likes being locked up

(Eve Myles: Narrator) Ianto fought back an urge to grin like a madman, remembering the other night when the two of them had,..explored,, some new horizons. He handed out the drinks, and had a seat beside Gwen, trying to put out all thoughts of handcuffs and safety words out of his head

And no, no alien influence was used in the making of this book.  I think.

ETA: I've decided to add more Ianto bits from ITS on and off. Which..maybe makes it spoilery? But i wanna. cutting out narration, though..unless necessary

Actually, this post was prompted by a thought i had earlier. Episode parallel, possible fanfic prompt...

A whole lot went on in Series Two: Sleeper.

Ianto *suddenly sounding v. irate*: Nobody thanked me for the coffee!!!

Jack: oo-okaay. Everyone..thank Ianto for the coffee.

Ianto: No...i mean, you all ignored me..because i just...give you the coffee. you take it for granted! *edits some bits* There's something we're the guy who delivers the coffee. Because..he's invisible.

I wondered what was goin' on in Ianto's head. Was a bit reminiscant of Cyberwoman, no? I mean, you take this typical woman (Beth) who thinks she's just that- typical. Cept she's got an alien using her, and slowly, slowly, that alien part of her is taking over. Moments of clarity, then the alien makes itself known and hell breaks loose.

Not at all a bit like Lisa...the woman Ianto loved. Partially converted, drifting between her human moments and the Cyberman mindset. Gah. Can't put it in the shadows playing in the background.

will need to get back on this 'meta', if you will...later.

ETA2: Bloody figures, doesnt' it? Fuels my thought process further.

In ITS Ianto is opening up a bit to the new character. Narration refers to a shadow falling over his face, as if he was 'remembering something'

Ianto: There was...this time. I did something...something bad. They forgave me. Jack forgave me.

*pause* It's always the quiet ones, isn't it?


Ianto: We' and me. we're and me, we're..ah...going steady, yes?

Jack laughed, and instantly regretted it, as Ianto's eyes betrayed real hurt

As Jack journeys on:

Jack: Ianto!

He knew Ianto was the one man he could trust. The man he knew....loved him...

Jack: Ianto! Ianto, please...where are you?!

Ianto loved him...he'd forgive him..he'd rescue Jack from the shadows

jackxianto, audiobook, in the shadows, ianto jones, sleeper, torchwood, episode, cyberwoman

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