Title: Always There
Pairing: JackxIanto
Summary: Post-ep 'Adam'...slightly spoilery...in which we're reminded that 48 hours has nothing on history (Drabble) x-posted to
jackxiantoAuthor's Notes: Who hates summaries...*raises hand*....Unbeta-ed as well
Ianto would never recall his final words to Jack before taking the amnesia pill, or the open tenderness with which Jack had caressed his cheek and kissed his forehead before he slipped into a much needed sleep.
The next day, Ianto approached Jack. Before Jack could so much as open his mouth, the Welshman had occupied it, deep and gentle. With a soft smile, and barely audible ‘thank you, sir,’ he was gone.
The funny thing about memories is no matter how many days you remove from someone’s life, it is impossible to erase what was always there.