Mar 02, 2011 02:19
- #youknowyouhaveepicfriendswhen you don't have to say a single word and know everyone is thinking, "I have genital herpes"
- Short visit was too short D: @sweet_clockwork
- My god Dr. Assface is getting desperate. Coupons? Calling the receptionist a front desk technician?
- Eliza Dushku on Drag Race :D
- Might be able to catch some of @ GlobalSoulTV before bed
- Happy Pancake Day!
- i have the hiccups
- Hiccuping to to point of burping. That's classy, self
- Apparently, my dogs think I'm some kind of rocking chair. Hiccups? No. Soothing rocking bed? Yes!
- Creeper!Dillon
- #HappyBdayJensen may your day continue for several hundred Tuesdays #TricksterTuesday. Life totally makes sense
- I think @ GrooveGoddess gave me her hiccups from the other day. Not exactly what i had in mind...she didn't bother putting them on ebay first
- Kay, folks. It's time to go be the cleaning lady. I mean...go to work. But. PANCAKES! Tweet ya when i go hide in the basement to file
- just butt-dialed an animal hospital. my dad was saying "what's in the bag? Guns for work?" Me: "don't be silly, that would scare the dogs."
- Lol forever. I'm The Basement Cat
- NO bad autocorrect. T E H not the
- So, scientific research time. Co worker barges in and declares herself a psychopath. Theories. Go.
- Hurr
- Oy
- My mind has just been blown. Prepare the gallows, the guillotine, the firing squad. I might miss @ Fleischersuniv tonight. Holy shit
- This IHOP is crack. Just so you know
- Off to the movies with @ sweet_clockwork and @Sunset_magick.
- Oh god, if I don't watch @ Fleischersuniv tonight, what does that make me?! I'm disowning myself
- Don't make me turn this car around
- I'm in for @Fleischersuniv! One hour!
- RT @WyTVLive: @ AdamRifkin live on @Fleischersuniv in 15 @ChasFleischer
- Okay, guys. @ Fleischersuniv in 7 minutes.
- RT @Fleischersuniv: @ AdamRifkin is in the building. @Fleischersuniv goes live at 8pm pst -
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