From Twitter 02-14-2011

Feb 15, 2011 02:20

  • Study break. hell, yeah
  • Oh, Hello SPN Magazine. Goodness, Jensen, you're looking mighty...uh...focused, there
  • night,parents are all "How do you know who @ ChasFleischer is?" I'm like, "Where do you THINK i vanish to Tuesday nights?" @Fleischersuniv
  • oh god, you TEASES RT @SupportSPN: RT Store sale today! - 20% off storewide! Use code: LOVE214
  • Literally drooling with want over @SupportSPN's 20% off sale at (Code LOVE214)
  • ...and this lemonade isn't..regular lemonade
  • Oh, i think this email is a hint. I believe i'm supposed to print out this stuff on.. equine guttural pouches?
  • Just ate an entire plate of pasta. Still hungry. Who wants to feed me?
  • Basically, if Dad doesn't get off my back about getting freaking chest x-rays, i'm gonna be peeved
  • Whoa, i have a bid!
  • Smart idea: Actually getting the chest x-ray. Just don't wanna call.
  • I'm thinking i should get caffeinated before class, but i don't drink coffee. Thoughts?
  • Dad really needs to STFU about getting a chest x-ray. I'm tempted to ignore calling out of spite. Jesus
  • My dad just came in with a bunch of white roses. He's like, "Well..before you go to"
  • Should probably start packing up for class
  • Waiting for the doctor to call back to confirm if i need an x-ray
  • And i think my fever is coming out to play yet again
  • class time. Later
  • I need another weekend from home
  • omg internet
  • thank god for recording lectures on my computer
  • freaking talk about cows. i want steak :(
  • we're so ahead of the game, professor has gone into Wednesday's lab o_o
  • god, my brain hurts from this class. Too many big woids
  • RT @titleofshow: Hey Valentossers! If in NYC... come on by for a great cause. Jeff and Hunter ...
  • Professor mocked the class a bit too much, and now they've tuned him out. He's on our shit list
  • Two hours left *dead*
  • About to start the second round of class. 2 hours. I can do it. I can do it. We're all dead, here. But....i have cheese doodles
  • OMG we're getting our DISEASES
  • Give me my diseases already! #outofcontextitsfunny
  • I don't know how long i'm going to last. I have listeriosis and equine colic D: #justkidding #researchpaper
  • Now discussing the weekend when we'll have our hands up the cows asses #tmi good times
  • Clearly i am dying
  • No very much dying
  • At least i have a 'prescription' for a chest x-ray. Besides that, breathing is difficult, and i have an upset stomach
  • The sucky part is i got sick right before classes started, so my schoolwork has suffered drastically
  • So, Balthazar needs a new wardrobe. Like, less wardrobe.
  • I can't lie. I love the fact that even without people knowing when Jay-Moose started, i get called that. or JMoose
  • Ooh hey @ FHornChickie *bounces*
  • I want to cover my face in shame. My professor says people have brown eyes because they're full of shit

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