From Twitter 12-14-2010

Dec 15, 2010 02:32

  • Good news is i don't have work tomorrow, and i've replenished my 'liquor cabinet'. No, i'm not getting drunk
  • Photo: mt-padalecki: #TricksterTuesday
  • I won't tweet this to him, but Steve Martin, i finish with "Deck the halls with Gabe and Crowley" fa la la al la la la la
  • Today, i realized my first introduction to hellhounds was not Supernatural, but a comment from Bertie Wooster
  • #Twitition Misha Collins, Jensen Ackles, and Jared Padalecki to host Saturday Night Live. @SPN_site01
  • Totally not reading @pyrebi's tweets to @Ginnna. Totally not rolling around on my bed in delighted giggles
  • I forgot that my dogs haven't been around snow in over three years. This is freaking adorable
  • Earlier, Dillon stuffed his muzzle into the snow, then came inside, and buried half his face under a blanket. He looked miserable LOL
  • YES! The news is talking about "The King's Speech." Yay Colin Firth
  • ...yeah. Pretty sure Charlie's in shock right now
  • Wait. What? "Is there a serial killer on Long Island?" um. what.
  • oh JESUS it's the next town over
  • Would it be very unreasonable to ask for Don/Cas or Don/Gabriel
  • My TV is reading my mind. I'm literally shaking right now. OMFG
  • I Like. Diner food. I don't have enough cheeseburgers in my diet. I need junk food
  • Dillon's snoring. Since when does *Dillon* snore?
  • RT @JefferySelf: I am uStream-ing right now, weirdos. Say hey! (Broadcasting live at
  • So, @ JefferySelf thinks i need a new dog because i can't hear his ustream over Charlie's snoring
  • I said to Jeffery, "This is probably the creepiest thing i've ever asked....did you get a haircut?"
  • Attention #Supernatural fans. @ JefferySelf prefers kale. Just FYI
  • I'm getting a tattoo that has a heart around "Justine"
  • Oh, fuck my life. Jeffery Self just read the SPN tweet on his ustream. I'll a corner
  • oh fuuuuu...he's talking about IHOP. Where's @ sweet_clockwork for my pain D:
  • Hey you guys, you can tell me anything
  • my friend just texted me a picture of the TVGuide
  • RT @SupportSPN: Just a little bit of $$ goes a long way for the animals @ adogsliferescue helps! Example: $20 vaccinates one animal...
  • Comp overheated D:
  • RT @AdamRifkin: @ LOOKtvseries 10 min now! RT Chas Fleisher's in 20 minutes

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