Dec 12, 2010 02:21
- but i got bonus points for donating a kidney to @ secretbutterfly and bone marrow to someone else. I must be a saint :o and in pain
- Hi crazies
- Done early. Superfantastic
- So what's happening this fine saturdeh
- i'm about to scream bloody murder
- i had a document that had a list of prompts and people's addresses for the cards, and the document is gone
- God, i hope Twitter saved those DMs from like..2 months ago
- literally shaking right now
- And the world crashes in on me
- what a world, what a world
- Card/Holiday Card prompt announcement o'er at my LJ, kiddos
- This beta has been turned into me being an alpha for this trainwreck of a fic *rubs temples* please don't end up on fanficrants. seriously
- Throat hurts pretty bad. Yesterday, co-worker announced she had strep throat. Uhm
- IDK how to reply to a screened comment without unscreening it D:
- Mom thanks me for offering to help pay for my sister's engagement party, then she mentions how bad she feels about money, THEN thats (cont)
- --When i always start reconsidering NJCon, because i feel selfish, even though i earned the money for the ticket :|
- My parents said they'd deal with my school finances. I just paid for my textbooks. Don't feel comfortable reminding them to get reimbursed
- Dear mom and dad: Thank you for retracting the 'you take care of Dillon, we'll take care of your textbooks' deal. My life is now off kilter
- I think my mom has been possessed. Are there any experts on the subject? :|
- and anuses
- Re-reading the SPN Party chat from last night, and dissolving into hysterics all over again.
- osointricate: Records say i’m 5’3 1/2. I notch it up to 5’4. My whole family is tall…they were stunned when...
- Mom, why are you replaced by a pod person? I'm scareddd
- Did i just miss an entire conversation about Richard?
- "These sausages are moldy!" "SHUT UP AND DRINK YOUR GIN" #Oliver!
- Mark Lester (Oliver, 1968) hadn't done a film since 1977, and suddenly did something in 2010
- great, now i'm re-reading my commentfics. This could get ugly
- oh man, i totally forgot about that dean/cas, surprise! dean/gabe...
- I wonder if i i had these fics randomized, and didn't see my name, if i'd know i'd written it
- oh god, Mark Lester, why were you so FUCKING. ADORABLE. I CAN'T TAKE IT #Oliver
- Like, i totally forgot about the c_f i wrote where Bobby could walk, but in exchange, Cas had to be wheelchairbound
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