So, here's the deal. This was supposed to be straight up, Angelcestual, "Caged Heat" coda porn for
morganoconner , in which Gabriel was the pizzaman from "The Pizzaman and the Babysitter."
But then the pizzaman wandered on over and spanked me with a plot.
I must have done something wrong.
Title: (Insert whatever cheesy title you want)- (Prologue)
Pairing: Castiel/
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Of course he's a size queen. If Cas is relatively the size of the Chrysler building, then what does that make freaking Archangel Gabriel?
And then his vesselform is all, "oh crap, i'm short."
Replying solely to use this icon, even though it isn't SPN. Oh wait! She guest starred (briefly) in Heart so there's a connection. ;-)
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