Quick vent is quick

Jul 21, 2010 09:31

Just..shoot me now.

The other day, Dad left the fridge open, and Dillon inhaled an entire package of raw meat, leaving him with the stomachache from hell.

Fine the first night. Yesterday it was just...y'know, i'll spare you the details.

Last night i was up with him all night, running him out to the bathroom every hour (If i was that lucky).

1:00am, took him outside, and the sprinkles went off. I was soaked, Dillon was soaked, and my AC was on high blast.

Went to bed about 2:00am. Half hour later, out again.

Rinse and repeat..

5:30, had to go out with him, and didn't bother going back to sleep.

Set him and Charlie up in the kitchen with the dog gate, tied it shut, pushed things against the gate. They still got out.

8:30 i was just like... 'Know what, fuckit. i'm early. I'll go to Dunkin Donuts, relax, have breakfast and a drink."

Went out to the bus about 8:45 for an 8;55 bus.

Stood right at the sign.

Bus driver sees me, and blows right past.

Next bus is at 9:55. Would get me there...10:05-10:10 for a 10:15 class.

I had stuff to print for class, because our printer is shot.

Got in touch with mom, and we tried to get in touch with Dad, but we had the wrong work number.

Finally, got in touch. Dad's coming from work to drive me.

I feel like there's a reason i'm not supposed to get to class. But. Whatever.

I keep reciting 'Alexander and the Terrible horrible no good very bad day.'

Mom says some days are like that.

Even in Australia.

I wish i were in australia

dillon, rant, venting, stressed

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