(no subject)

Jul 13, 2010 15:02

 Happy Birthday, utterlystrange !

Enclosed is a present for you.

It's not long, but i hope you enjoy!


“A succubus.” John stared at the two men sitting across from him. One man was a smart ass in a leather jacket, and the other  was wearing a trenchcoat in the middle of summer.

Next to him, Peter made a sound of disbelief, arms folded.

“Yup,” Dean Winchester nodded, and flashes John a knowing grin. “Worse ways to go, but yeah.  You had yourself your very own sex demon.”

“See?” Peter muttered. “Always knew Marjorie was the spawn of Satan.”

John glared. “Damnit, Peter, nobody asked you.”

“Nobody would have needed to if you didn’t blow me off when I said, ‘Hey, John, the bane of our existence has black eyes!’”

“I need a drink,” John decided, waving Peter off.

“Damnit, John, don’t you think you’ve had enough?”

“Wife,” John stated. “Succubus. Tried to kill me.”

Peter sighed, heavily. “Make that two.”

“And a half-“

“God damnit, John!”

The socially awkward man in the trenchcoat gave a barely noticeable twitch. “There’s no need to take the Lord’s name in vain.”

John gave him a dark look. “You some kind of Bible thumper?”

“Here we go,” Dean muttered, under his breath.

“I am an angel of the Lord,” Trenchcoat Man said, calmly.

“Cas,” Dean nudged the man’s shoulder. “Gotta work on that.”

“An angel,” John repeated, eyes narrowed.

“So demons are real,” Peter said. “Angels are real. Anything else we should know?”

“The End of Days is nearly upon us,” ‘Cas’ said, straight faced. Dean dropped his head in his hands.

John and Peter looked at each other, at Dean and the angel, and simultaneously pushed their glasses at Dean.

“We’re gonna need another drink,” John said.

Well, damn.

abofal, fic, present, utterlystrange

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