Called SCCC today 'cause i'm all, "Hey, i got an email that orientation for the day classes for the vet program was June 15th, is there a date for evening?"
"I sent it out afterwards."
*checks* "Never received that."
"The date for the evening classes is the same for the day classes."
Long pause.
"I understand. I'm going to be out of town during that time. Is there anything i can do?" in arizona, getting ready to move to NY
"Orientation is crucial. It's where you'll get your schedule, and register for classes. You'll be ad a disadvantage if you don't attend, since the staff will be leaving June 16th for vacation."
Yes, my life has gotten to the point where i express my emotions through images and gifs.
Emailed the head honcho, as suggested. Still having a freak out.