
May 31, 2010 11:59

 From zekkass

✿ Leave a comment saying I'M ON A BOAT!
✿ I'll respond by asking you five questions to satisfy my curiosity.
✿ Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
✿ Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.

Questions posed by zekkass

1. What's the funniest book you've ever read?
Funniest book i ever read. I'd probably have to go with either I Am America (And So Can You!) by Stephen Colbert or Wake up, Sir! by Jonathan Ames

2. Why did you give your manga away?
I was moving across the country  I can't believe you remembered this and didn't want to cart my entire collection. Besides, i knew they'd be going to a good home

3. So what are your thoughts on yaoi? XD
Someone's been hitting up fanficrants haven't they? God, those tags slay me every time. Anyway. Yaoi was my kick off to the world of fandom, actually. For a more serious answer to it, i like it because of how it's usually written. It's kind of tough to find alot of writing where it's not all..damsel in distress, happily ever after. I like something with substance, something that presents a challenge.

A guy can easily bring a girl home and family can be like, "HOORAY!

Guy brings a guy home? Not so easy all the time.

Also: Japanese culture is a plus. I love learning

4. Explain why you like Dean/Castiel to me again.
Why i like Dean/Castiel. One of the things i don't think we've discussed before is the fact that i can like them as a pairing, but as a friendship, they're dynamic as well.

There's that in your face intensity. The savior/saved (but who's who, anyway?). The parallel between Cas and God, and Dean and John. I think Cas was introduced at the ideal time, too. Dean's life has revolved around Sam, and when Cas entered the picture, Sam was pretty deep in demon blood territory. Dean needed someone else in his life, even if he was a dick.

Doesn't hurt that Cas can't die too easily, whereas everyone else in Dean's life has. Sure, explosions, banishments. And Cas isn't...a burden. He doesn't rely on Dean to save him.

Also, they're both BAMFs.

The fandom isn't lacking in awesome fics, either

5. Favorite musical? Why?

Why would you do this to me? Just...why? I mean, seriously. It's cruel and unusual punishment. I have half a mind not to even answer this. I'm totally stalling.

Let me try this. If you said..mayybe...a theme/genre?

"Of the musicals you want to sing along and dance in your seat to. Between Mamma Mia and Footloose, which would you choose?" Footloose

I don't even.

This is cruel.

I answered. I answered vaguely. I semi-answered.

I plead the fifth on this one

meme, zekkass

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