E-mail conversations with Kim (not Brad's wife, another Kim)

Nov 27, 2004 10:07

Ponder this:
Humpty Dumpty was pushed.

I KNEW IT!!!! and everyone said I was a conspiracy theorist! the evidence was just too convenient - how come the king's horses and men were there so quickly?!! hey!?! did they really TRY to put him back together or did they just SAY they did, then covered it up. And how reliable were the witnesses at the scene, eh? This issue should be taken seriously. I hope now that the truth is out, we'll be able to get some answers.

I can see where you're coming from buddy, but have you ever stopped to think of the circumstances that led Humpty to the wall in the first place?

Chances are that Mrs Dumpty was an absolute nag of a woman(I've heard that some wives can be). There's even the chance that he'd been denied access to his kids, the entire carton of 'em. Maybe the Dumpty household was a somewhat violent one and she may have slapped an Apprehended Violence Order on him, don't laugh, it happens. Not everyone has had the privilege of growing up in a loving home like you
and I have you know. When it comes to egg households, I believe the beatings are horrendous.

Humpty possibly had very low self-esteem due to the fact that he was severely follickly challenged...bald as a bowling ball. His constant struggle had worn him down and he became a mere shell of a man. I hold peer pressure partially responsible here, he went through school with some really hairy eggs and copped a lot of teasing, consequently taking all this pent up baggage into the relationship with his new wife, which does not make for a very healthy start to any marriage...I'm sure you'll agree.

I wonder if Humpty ever explored the church? He may still be here today if he had. There are many references to 'yoke' in the bible, he might have finally felt that he belonged somewhere. As for offering his service to the church, if he played bass I'd have slotted him in straight away.

In reference to your comment on just why were the Kings horses and men there so fast? A very good point. And another thing, were they really ALL there, I bet some were at the pub. My opinion is that they were just hungry. Perhaps they were hoping to find some gourmet omelette and not just sloppy raw egg. Imagine their disappointment, especially the horses. In fact rumour has it, that those horses needed quite a lot of counseling
afterwards. I mean to say, the men could probably just go and pick up some Chinese take away, but what pray tell, are the horses meant to do?

You have a very valid point about putting Humpty back together again, in fact you're much smarter than I first thought. As legend has it, they "couldn't" put him back together again. The real question now of course is 'couldn't' or 'wouldn't'

We may never know Shanon, baby Azaria an Humpty mat remain one of the great mysteries of our lifetime.

I urge you to let it go buddy, don't lose any more sleep over this, you already look haggard enough!
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