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Burnin'Up, The Jonas Brothers.
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Hola Livejournal.
My eyes frying... I'm realy sleepy now, its 1:50am and I freaking have school tommorow morning...
I have to be awake to complete my F&N coursework which is due tommorow and this time it is really due tommorow (or technically later)
I am going to use a solid hour to complete it, I better complete it or I can jolly well say a huge sayo nara to my future. Yes, this project... to me atleast as a huge link to the future. Go figure, its 60% of my N'Level Food & Nutrition paper.
Speaking of the N'levels, I had my english oral exam on friday and I personally felt that it was one of the hardest I've taken. The facial expressions of the examiner made it even more nerve wrecking...well I got over it and talked about lots of nonsense. Bullshiz.
I can't remember exactly what I did or where I went since I last updated. All I know is that I was such a bad kid last week, I skipped a day of school and went more than 2 hours late for the rest. Blame my tired and lazy self. I really hate the part of me that is so lazy. Weekends were packed. So to keep it short, the long weekend was great. Nothing productive was done though. I caught get smart with my church friends. Wasen't as funny as I expected though. School was boring and unproductive today, had lunch with lene after school. & we sat and talked till 4ish.
I am going to go and start working on my F & N now. Hoping to finish it asap so I can go give myself some good well deserved(sort of) rest.
Every human needs rest and sleep. I should stop sleeping at 6am on school nights. I'm giving my face wrinkles. Anyhoo, I'm to lazy to do a spell check, so mind the grammer errors and spelling mistakes.