Jul 10, 2010 09:53
* Sunday June 27th. Church. Children had their Independence Day celebration tonight.
* Monday June 28th. Work....
* Tuesday June 29th. Work... Rebel been acting a little strange and clingy to Chasity. Went to eat with John and the gang at Lil Dago's for John's Birthday.
* Wednesday June 30th. Caydence turns 4 today! Work, Church, then McD's with Josh, Bridgette, all the kids, and Wendy and her two.
* Thursday July 1st. Work today. Chasity babysitting Adam and Addison while Wendy goes for interview. Pizza for supper courtesy of Keith and Dominos.
* Friday July 2nd. Work this morning, left work around 2ish. Went to Wal Mart and got oil changed. Came home, loaded up and went to Alabama. Ate Krystal's in Brookhaven. Got to bama around 1 in the AM.
* Saturday July 3rd. Got up, went for a ride around the town. Got a few things from Wal Mart for Caydence's birthday party. Came home by one, ate food that Tim had grilled. Judy had made Caydence a cute cake with belle as the centerpiece and we sang happy birthday. Dan showed up an hour later. Jenny, John, Dan, Mom, Judy, Tina, and I jumped on the Zip line. Later we took family pics, then went to town to catch Toy Story 3. Michael decided to go with his Mom and watch the fireworks in Guin.
* Sunday July 4th. Independence Day! Got up, got dressed, and went for a ride with mom to look at the chicken ranch, a couple of other houses, drove by Kevin Burnell's place and talked to him. Mom had to go to work, so we dropped her off, went to Florence, found something to eat at Bojangles, then went by Chris Lowe's. Met his friend Charme. Left to go look around some more in Florence and then watch the fireworks.
* Monday July 5th. Got up, hung with the family. Loaded the car up and ate a little of the Robert Redford cake Tim made for Chaisly for her birthday present. Said good byes and left. Stopped in Starkville and ate Zaxby's.
* Tuesday July 6th. Back to work. David Reynardson came up today.
* Wednesday July 7th. Work....Church, then to eat at Pizza Hut for Tori and Katie's Birthday.
* Thursday July 8th. Work....
* Friday July 9th. Chaisly's birthday! Worked today, got off, met the girls at home, and went to pick up the twins at the ball park, then over to Potro's to eat. Then bowling! The twins spent the night with us tonight.