Oh fuck. .__.

Oct 05, 2010 18:33

What's Hetalia to me? To me, it's a fun way to enjoy history and have a laugh at yourself too. To me, one of the greatest lessons I learned is that, the more comfortable you are with yourself (Like being able to laugh at yourself) The easier and happier life will be for you.
I am also one of the ones who enjoyed History class before Hetalia, but I discovered Hetalia during my 8th grade WWII History unit, and it made things a lot easier to remember and imagine, like a few others have said as well. There are times to be serious, and there are times to be goofy. I know that every Hetalia fan knows this. I personally HATE people who are serious all the time and want to make Hetalia look offensive by trying to project things that aren't there onto it, like this....
None of those screenshots have really anything to do with the events listed in the article. I'm ESPECIALLY pissed that they used the Modern Countries from the first episode to represent "Soviet occupation of Latvia" ...Which was in 1940.
This is coming from the person who's all high in mighty saying that people who like Hetalia don't know anything about history.
Pretty hypocritical, isn't it? That's the sort of people I hate. They try to bring it down because Hetalia isn't all srs bsns like they think History should be.

I would hate having to be serious my whole life. I'd rather live my life as a goofy nut then a serious asshole.
I think I've gotten off track, but anyway, like I said, for me, it's a fun way to visualize history for me. I don't need to be told not to only use it, because I don't kthx, but it does help remember etc.

I guess since I suck at writing these things, I'll just agree with previous points brought up with others. The community is another reason I like it, plus I'm glad that people from all over the world can agree on something like this C:

Edit: I was writing this as a response to a journal entry in hetalia that got deleted :c so I'll just leave it here


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