Sep 04, 2005 20:53
So first of all: RIP Chase Benton. We all miss you and love you. It's so weird how I was just talking to him and Miles the other day...And now I won't ever see him again. If I knew that would have been the last time I saw him, I would have said something. Keep the Bentons in your prayers. And everything happens for a reason. Miss you chase. ---- So friday trey rode the bus home with me and we hung out for a while. Then we went to Michelle's and cut his hair :) So if you see him compliment him haha. Yeah and Corbyn came over too. So then we went up to frontera and ate and then went and got paint for the game! Got to the game which was fun except we lost. Bad. Yeah that part sucked. But I love football games.
Saturday I woke up early and went to my game and uh let's say I had some cramps. So I didn't play much, but when I went in this girl totally fouled me from behind and I fell over obviously. So I heard a pop on the way down to the ground and knew something was wrong. I tried to get up but my leg wouldn't even move. So they stopped the game for about 20 minutes and the ambulace came on the field and rushed me to the hopstial. I don't remember much because they put me on a lot of pain medication...And well yes. Alot of medication. So anyways. I was at the hospital but the team brought me candy and shoes and stuff :) Yeah so when I finally got the results of everything they said I have to go to a orthapedic surgeon and get a MRI probably becasue all we can tell now is that I have a strained miniscus and strained ligiments. So yeah the pain isn't going away...So all I can do is take the pills which sucks. And I can't do anything. And I am currently missing the Josh Gracin concert and I've been dying to see him for weeks. So yeah life's pretty much bad until everything will be normal again. But there was one good thing. I remember when I was lying on the ground in the middle of the field and there were so many people around me (like adults and refs and everything) and I was so confused. But the I looked up and saw Jamie there. And every time I looked up she was there just looking at me. And then the next time I looked up and I saw my team all huddled up together in a cricle, praying. Then when I got back to the fields after I found out that they were all in the circle crying and praying for me over and over. I truly don't think I could have a better team. I love you girls with my entire heart, you mean the world to me. I have no idea what I'd do without you all. I'll leave it at that.
Last night when I got home I went to trey's house because I needed to see someone. We watched the Heorgia game with his dad :) Yay go dawgs. 1-0 baby! I love you trey, thanks for everything. Today I woke up late and then went to Laura's semis and they won in PK's which was amazing. I'm so proud of my sister. Tomrorow is the finals for her and me and trey are going to that early tomorrow. Yeah so things are doing ok. Could be much better, but hey. There's times like this. Thanks for everyone being there, I love you guys.