(no subject)

Jun 17, 2009 17:12

Hey all :) I've decided to update my lj blog due to the fact that I really do wish to remain as a member of some communities that I really love. You know, I detest people who leach. They are an inconsiderate bunch and those who leach AND upload at the same time, should be banished to hell!!! (just kidding :X although they do deserve it......)

Since I'm on my way to a new life, I decided to set some kind of "rule" for my online self. From now on, I'll appreciate all subbers' work and give them my thanks even though I'm really busy. Hey, all of us need encouragement and appreciation right?

Some updates on my life:
1) I'm still a LJ noob, based on the fact that my friends all have blogspots and most of them are a LIL too lazy to get an lj account. lol
2) I finally got a job and at a family entertainment centre. Easy work, nice colleagues, really nice boss and a GOOD pay ka-ching!
3) I'm restarting school in less than a month, after a break of almost half a year. Phew~ No more slacking at home and gaining 5kgs in 7 months :) Hopefully, orientation's a blast and my love for ARASHI will never end!!! Wheet wheet~~

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, I'll continue updating my lj so some of my arashi pals will be able to know what I'm up to :)

Till then, cheerios
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