Jan 04, 2014 16:46

[i]The teacher continued to bore his class with his unneeded information about English grammars. He talks while walking around his class, as he noticed something in the pockets on one of his favorite students. Walking towards the said boy, he single-handedly grabbed the offending object in Alex’s pants, thinking it was a phone. Little did the teacher know, it was Alex’s dick.

“You shouldn’t have phones in class, Alexander.” He said in nonchalantly, albeit loud, eyeing and towering over me.[/i]

As the blaring echoed through my room, it slowly stirred me awake. I peeled my eyes open and they wandered to my alarm clock, reaching a hand out and slapped the top of the machine. Bouncing to turn off the droning noise, my limbs stretch underneath the blankets, rubbing against the warm cotton, my ankles and knees and back were all cracking underneath the movements. I smiled gratefully that I had slept well that night.

Today was nothing special for me, another day at Dulaney High. It was another day of stupid students, who didn’t know their alphabet or even their left from fucking right, but I knew in order to live, I just had to pull through. The year was almost over and I would have another batch of students next year, hopefully ones smarter than and not as cocky as these one.

After I have showered and gotten dressed, I slipped on my black polished shoes and grabbed my laptop bag; the essentials and slipped out of the house, locking the door behind me.


As the day rolled on, I was getting tired and worn out. I still had four classes of rowdy students and had one last one before I could go home; this last one was the worst. I had the kids who never wanted to attend school, the kids who couldn’t care less about their education. I disliked this class immensely, but I just had to get it over and done with.

As all the students crowded in, chatting loudly. I waited for them to sit down, before standing up and announcing what would happen today, it was simple; all they had to do was write a story, about whatever they wanted. The only regulations were; that it had to be more than half a page and couldn’t be about your favorite footballer or sports star. That’s all I asked.

People continued to write and write, their heads bobbing around and their hands scribbling on the page. Actually only three or only four students were doing that, the rest were scrunching up the paper and shoving it down other shirts and throwing paper planes around, drawing on each other and shouting rude and vulgar words at one another.

But one boy had, had hands in his lap, looking at it intently. A smirk painting his face, I immediately knew that he was on his phone, [i]what a surprise[/i]. I knew that someone would eventually turn to their phone, but we had a strict no-phone policy at this school and it seemed that a boy called Alexander, my most favorite out of all, was breaking those rules.

I wanted to take action, so I stood up and waltzed over to his desk.

“Afternoon Alexander, how’s your story coming along?” I said, as he jumped from his seat, eyes wide when he saw me.

“M-my story, sir? I-i.. I don’t.. I don’t know?” The young boy said, head down and cheeks flaring red.

“You see where we’re this is going, Alex? You haven’t written an single word for your essay and yet…” I trailed off as I grabbed his cellphone from his pocket. “….you use your phone.”

My eyes widened I felt something hard, it couldn’t be a phone? As my grip tightened around it, I felt it twitch, causing me to take my hand away from it and cradle it to my torso, at the same time I heard the boy moan silently, yet enough to be heard by me.

I tried to compose myself with what had happened, and stood up straight, towering over the young boy in front of me whose eyes were now wide and in shock, his hands on his lap and looking at me with his pupils, dilated.

“See me after dismissal, Alexander, I think we need to talk about the ‘no-phone’ policy.”


It was nearing dismissal and my nerves are on a wreck. I shouldn’t be nervous around a student that I possibly like, honestly though, that kid was hot. And maybe I’ve thought of him many times when I’m at home. Alone. With lights out. And maybe most night I’ve dreamt of him beneath me, writhing, moaning sickly sweet sounds. And maybe I’ve imagined the noises he makes when he’s nearing his climax, the sweet sound of his voice choking in air as he releases. No, I’ve not imagined that in my class as I stare at him from my desk. Not at all.

But then, that would be an impeccably huge lie to tell. And believe it or not, I don’t like lying.

My fear has yet to come when the dismissal bell rang. I’ve been waiting for Alex in my classroom for more than two hours; the Irish coffee wasn’t helping at all. What if Alex thought I’m implying something? I wasn’t, wasn’t I? I’m confused, and the sexual frustration was too much for me, I shouldn’t have asked him to stay until dismissal. What if he wasn’t thinking what I was thinking? That would be humiliating! He could even report me to the school board and-

“Mr. Barakat?” I heard a small voice that came from the doorway, followed by a faint knock. I put my head up and looked and Alex, his small frame was hugged by his t-shirt, accompanied by the tightest skinny jeans I’ve ever seen in my life. His hair was disheveled, and sticking up to places. I think it’s what kids these days call, ‘the sex hair’.

I took a look at Alex’s face; his eyes were dilated again, pupils blown wide as he shifted uncomfortably in his position. He looked at me with confusion, albeit, he already knew why he was sent here.

“Ah, Alex. Come in, sit down.” I said in a monologue tone. Sitting up straight and composing myself. Grabbing a few papers scattered all over my desk as I spoke.

“I believe you know why you’re here, hmm?” I said nonchalantly, trying to be very professional, to not give away the fact that my dick was starting to harden at the thoughts running in my mind.

"Y-Yes Mr Barakat, i think" Alex cowered away from his teacher, looking down a the floor with his hands intertwined with each other at his front

"What do you mean you think?" Jack bellowed standing up from his chair and slamming his fists down on the table, shooting a menacing glare at Alex's lust covered caramel eyes

"I-Im sorry sir, i know why I'm here, I'm here because i was using my phone sir" Alex moved back, shying away and trying to make up the excuse that he tried to use before.

"No, Alexander, that's not why you are here. Your smart enough to know that using mobile phones on school premises is against the rules, right? Jack said with a sly undertone lacing his voice.

"Yes Mr Barakat, i know i am, I'm sorry i used my phone" Alex said, gaining some confidence after figuring out what Jacks intentions were.

"No!" Jack shouted back at Alex's demeanour and huffing back into his chair

"I tell you why i am here Sir" Alex said as he dropped his book bag and moved behind Jacks desk and pulled his office chair from behind the desk, Alex got close to his ear and whispered in a slutty tone

"Im here because i was thinking about your rock hard cock pounding into me, fucking me so hard until i cant walk, bending me over the desk and spanking me until I'm begging for your cock inside me, Sir." Alex finished off and walked back around the desk, running his fingers over the wooden table.

Picking up his book bag, he swung it over his shoulder and approached Jacks desk and simply said "So can i go now or what Mr Barakat" He said with a shrug of his shoulders, but before he knew it Alex was pulled over the desk and onto Jacks lap, Jack moaned loudly as he thrusted up his jean clad erection into the younger boys one.

"Your not leaving this room until i make sure that you won't be able to sit down for a long time Alexander" Jack sternly said to the young boy grinding in his lap.

"Okay Sir" Alex said nodding as his head tipped back at the forced and new friction that Mr Barakat was giving him, the boys carried on grinding and planing each other for a few minutes, the panting and heat in the room rising with their body temperatures.

Jacks hands gripped the younger's waist, effectively pushing him off Jack's lap and he landed back on his feet with a small thud, he quickly ripped his shirt off his body and placed his hands over Jack's knees, sliding them over the denim, al the way up his thigh before reaching his painfully hard cock and pushing down softly, palming him like they were only minutes ago, a small squeak and a moan of pleasure erupted form both boys.

Jack was finished with the controlling Alex so without hesitation he grabbed alex's cheeks and bought his neck close to Jacks face saying "Im going to punish you Alexander" Alex whimpered at the stern words and nodded in Jacks hands. Jack pushed him back and grabbed his wrists, firmly planting them on the wooden desk.

"Don't move them, I'm going to punish you" Jack said as he ran his hands over Alex's arms and down his chest, then to the waist band of his boxers and jeans. Jack got on his knees and slowly slid them down, revealing Alex's perfectly rounded ass, Jack was drooling at the sight of Alex panting in anticipation and his hands gripping the desk harder and harder.

Jack pooled the items of clothing around Alex's feet, he lifted his legs up and rid the clothing, then he put two hands on Alex's ass and massaged them, moving around and around, he could hear Alex whimpering and softy jutting his hips backwards into Jack's touch.

"No moving Alexander, now its time for your real punishment" Jack said as he laid a hard slap to Alex's bare ass cheek, one after the other, only to ten, but by the end Alex was a whimpering mess, with tears running down his cheeks and a cock that was about to explode when touched.

"Sir, I'm going to cum, p-p-please" Alex said as he bowed his head to see Jacks jeans and boxer around his ankles as well.

"No, you may not cum, you won't" Jack said annunciating the words, he reached into his jeans pockets, taking out lube and a surprise in the other, he set the lube down on the desk, in Alex's full view, before grabbing Alex's ass cheeks, spreading them and diving in with his tongue, swirling and swishing it around, creating a suction on the younger boys hole.

"Jesus Christ! Oh my god!" Alex said as he rocked his hips back onto Jacks face, feeling every inch of his tongue scoop around his entrance and feeling the tip push past the tight ring of muscles, feeling Alex buck his hips back onto his face, Jack grabs the rocking hips and steadies them so he's not getting pushed back by Alex.

"Sir! Fuck me! Please!" Alex says as his panting and moaning fills the room. Jack stops his movements and retracts his tongue from the younger boy an grabs Alex's surprise from the table, he reaches around Alex and pumps his cock a few times, before slipping on the silicone cock ring over Alex's inflated erection.

"N-no! Mr Barakat! Please!" Alex was screaming now and begging for it to be taken off, but knowing that if he tried himself, Jack would never forgive him, and probably leave him like this, so he just exhaled and gripped the edge of the table with his fingers and gave in to Jack, knowing that it was his best option.

Jack moved his lips over Alex's neck "Good boy" Jack praised Alex for his co-operation.

"Im going to stretch you now Alexander, don't fucking move those hips" Jack said as drenched his fingers in the lube on the desk, slipping in down to tease Alex's hole, Alex tipped his head down and moaned like he was paid to, squeezing his eyes shut as Jack slipped the first finger in. Alex whined as the second went in and eventually gave up before the third and yelling out "Just fuck me Sir! Im stretched enough!"

So Jack complied moving his fingers out of the younger and grabbing the lube and pouring the substance over his cock and wiping his fingers on his discarded jeans.

Lining up his cock with Alex's stretched hole, Alex pushed his hips back and whined desperately, seeking Jacks hard cock inside him. Jack got the message and looked at the scene playing out before him, he watched Alex's hole stretch around him. Alex was hot and tight, he was young and and naughty boy. Oh Jack would have to make this a common thing, Alex felt so damn good around his cock.

Alex was whimpering and smiling as he felt Jack hit his hilt. Alex was blissed out and the pain of his cock was overriding the pain that Jack was providing.

"Move!" Alex squeaked out, Jack slowly moved out of the boy before pumping back in, hitting Alex's prostate directly, "FUCK!" Alex gripped at the desk, his knuckles and fingers going white at the pressure.

"More, Sir, More! Please!" Alex whimpered and Jack complied with his wishes and next thing Jack's strong hands were gripped to Alex's small waist, running his thumb over the ridges of his hips bones, admiring the way his cock slid in and our of the boy, Jack and Alex's moans were resounding through the room and filling the classroom.

A few thrust later and Jack was huffing and moaning, he released into the boy with a few short and sharp thrusts, stuttering his hips as he filled the younger. "Mr Barakat, Please let me cum!" Alex screamed out as Jack released inside him.

Jack was blissed out to the max, but he wanted Alex to feel good, so he got up from his slumped position over the panting boy and went back down on his knees "Okay Alexander, you can cum" Jack announced, Alex relaxed a bit, but tensed back up as Jacks tongue was back inside him, sucking up and mixing his saliva, with his cum and the remaining lube inside Alex.

"Please! Mr Barakat" Alex cried out, Jack obliged and pumped Alex's hard dick more and more, slipping off the silicone ring and throwing it too the floor, Jack removed his hand from Alex's cock and focussed on spreading his cheeks with them instead, sucking and swishing his tongue inside Alex, until Alex was screaming.

"FUCK!" Alex yelled as he released all over the wooden desk, pushing his hips back onto Jacks face as he rode out his orgasm. Jack didn't mind waiting until Alex had stopped his movements to pull his face away, he liked seeing the younger yell and scream out in pleasure and knowing he caused it made him feel hot and powerful.

Alex was slumped over the desk panting with his eyes closed and his pants still strewn all over the floor, Jack on the other hand was collecting his lube and slipping the cock ring inside Alex's discarded pants pocket and pulling his own up, getting dressed again and fixing his sweat shined hair into something presentable, grabbing his bag and slipping it over his shoulder, he looked once more at the panting boy still coming down from his incredible high, he slapped the younger's exposed and raw ass cheek once more, snapping him out of his state, looking up as Jack was exiting the classroom.

Before Alex could speak Jack said "Call me Jack, baby boy your punishment is far from over" as he left the classroom shutting the door behind him.
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