Содержание программы:

Oct 18, 2012 18:09

Вот, если кому то интересно, содержание программы для MPhil:

Микельмас 7 октября 2012 - 1 декабря 2012
Хилари 13 января 2013 - 9 марта 2013
Тринити 21 апреля 2013 - 15 июня 2013
(точные даты в каждом году немного разные)

Course Details

Courses may be subject to change/availability.

Year 1

Michaelmas Term

* History of Russia, the USSR and Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century.

* SIAS Methodology course

An introductory course taught in weekly lectures, supplemented by REES classes.

Hilary Term

* Politics, Economics and International Relations in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

* Society and Culture in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe

* SIAS Methodology Course continues.

Trinity Term

* Society and Culture in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe continues

Year 2

Michaelmas Term

* Students take the first of two selected Special Subjects as listed below. Please note that not all subjects may be available each year and that minimum numbers and restrictions apply to some courses.

* Thesis data collection is completed, and early drafts of introductory chapters are written.

Hilary Term

* Students take their second Special Subject.

* Thesis writing continues, under supervision. Advanced drafts of the 30,000 word thesis should have been completed by the end of this term, and final revisions produced in the Easter vacation. During this term there are a series of seminars at which students give presentations on the topic of their thesis.

Trinity Term

* Submission of Thesis

* Revision for final examinations


As not all special subjects may be available in every year, candidates should apply to the Management Committee for Russian and East European Studies for permission to offer them before undertaking any work on them. The following Special Subject Options are likely to be available to take in 2012-13. Students should normally choose a special subject from different groups and special subjects would usually be taught in a minimum group of 3 students.

Group A: Economics and Politics

1. The Economic History of Russia and the Soviet Union, 1900-91 (Dr Davis)
2. Transitions from Command to Market Economies in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (Dr Davis)
3. Health and Welfare in the Soviet Union and Russia (Dr Davis)
4. Soviet and post-Soviet Russian politics (Dr Chaisty)
5. Comparative Presidentialism (Dr Chaisty)
6. Soviet and post-Soviet Russian foreign policy (Dr Allison)
7. Soviet and post-Soviet Russian defence policy (Dr Davis)
8. The Politics of Transition in Central and Eastern Europe (Dr Sasse)
9. South East Europe: Politics, Economics and European Integration (Dr Anastasakis)
10. Central Asia and the South Caucasus: International Relations and Foreign Policies (Dr Allison)

Group B: History and Culture

1. Russian Social and Political Thought, 1825-1917 (Dr Andreyev) Availability for 2013 TBC
2. The History of Russia, 1861-1917 (Dr Andreyev) Availability for 2013 TBC
3. Eurasianism and Russian Cultural Identity (Dr Andreyev) Availability for 2013 TBC
4. Comparative Communism in the post-war USSR and Eastern Europe (Professor Service)
5. The Gulag and the Russian Literary Process (Dr Nicholson)
6. Late Soviet and post-Soviet Literature (Prof. Zorin)
7. Polish Literature Post-1945 (Dr Jan Fellerer)
8. Environment and Society in the Former Soviet Union (Dr Pallot)
9. Politics, Ideology and Popular Culture: Everyday socialism and post-Socialism in Russia and Eastern Europe (Dr Makovicky) TBC
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