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Apr 19, 2005 20:59

Heyy. i went to the mall today..?? it was gay because we saw christa nd brit nd their lil boyfriends.. which made me kinda mad cuz they like snuck around nd went to the mall without telling us yunno, i mean how fucking gayy dude you dont have to sneak around nd do that kinda shitt.. its like naples all up in knox. its gay shitt, i think its time to get outta TN...? i dunno, i'd seriously rather live in TN for like ever, but i dunno i can't cuz i bet my mom wouldn't let me, i want too though, soooo bad. I hate naplessss, its sooo gay, but like the thing is that i think the reason why i like TN so much is cuz the people, like the guys, they are soo nice, nd like they arent gay like FL boys being like ' hey wanna go out with me' nd then the girls are like ' yeah !! omg see you at the skatepark or the moviess!' fuck thattt its sooo gay. Nd the guys here are just like ' hey can i take you out on friday? or like heyy lets go out to the movies or something ' yunno its like dating before you call eachother boyfrined nd girlfriend i guess? i dunno i think it makes more sence.. nd like when you meet new ppl in tn they intruduce themselves, yunno like ' hey my names ___ ' nd then they shake ur hand.. nd its like soo i dunno proper nd i like in the beginning i was like eww wtf back up off my hand nd like now i like it lol.. its better than just being like ' hey whats up ' nd like in FL. nobody ever intruduces ppl to other ppl omgggg i fucking hate it!! hahah i dunno i guess in summer im going to go there nd hang out with ' different' people than i was before [ no offence 2 them ] but like see if i hang around with older ppl like i do here in TN i think i might like it cuz the older ppl [ guys that can drive ;] nd have manners nd take girls on dates!! ] are more mature nd like shit so yeah nd if they arent fuck it tn tn baby.. lol i dunnooo i dunno ive never been like more confused!! i REALLY wanna stay here... nd it sucks that i cant, nd it sucks that i always have to want what i cant have.. im so over it though.. i guess.? w.e enuff bullshittt complaining haha... it was funny tho cuz at the mall when we were talkig to christa nd them i was like okay bye nd then these 2 girls wlak by nd i was like [ jokingly ] ' hey guys ima fight these girls ' so i walk up behing them nd like go for a donkey punch i guess? nd 1 turned around nd like gaspeddd i was like damn okay ima back off..? haha i wasnt rele gonna hit her but she got so scared haha nd all the guys were like ' OOOOOOOOH ' funny funny. nd yeah we deff. almost died cuz we tried to hit 100 on kingston pike nd we almost got in a head on but yeah it was all good.. nd thats another thing, where the fuck can you drive [ fastly ] in naples?? i eman theres like 2 strets nd their swarmed with cops.. fucking gay.. wow wow holy shit ive never compalined this much in my whole life.. but .like its not my fault .. naples is gay nd that all i ever hear is ' i wanna leave naples,.. its so gay etc etc etc.. ' so really.. that makes me wanna come back SO bad.. lol so yeah ill go there 4 summer i guess nd ' try it out ' nd if i dont like it i can just go back to TN .. [ i hope !! ]okay okay well im going to go do my hair nd try to go to sleep early so i can look cute again 2morrow ;] byee lOve yuu
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