Feb 04, 2005 02:08
I need to ask your opinion about something.
OK. People keep calling me crazy, strange, weird. My room is padded with mattresses and wood carvings of the Liberty Bell and Winnie the Pooh. The rest of the walls are white and there's one of those crazy drafting axes hanging from a door frame. There are several clocks that are presented to be active, yet aren't. THERE'S AT LEAST TWO OF EVERYTHING. Half of the room's contents don't belong to me. A third of them are hidden under a giant green blanket which covers old kiosks. Ceramic frogs and baby cowboys hide in inconspicuous places.
The majority of the room's contents involve receipts which have not yet been filed.
Anyhow, my question was:
Is that you, Gizmo?
I had this crazy dream one time.