I've been really tired and kind of out of it the last few weeks. I tend to be a bit of an insomniac, and if I get stressed out at all, I have a hard time sleeping. Recently I have been really stressed about money due to something stupid at work. A couple weeks ago, I got a bonus, I was really excited and used it for a couple frivolous things, and the rest of it went toward more responsible things like new glasses, a dentist trip, and mine and Stephens savings. Well what I didn't realize was I was overpaid my bonus they gave me twice what they were supposed to. They eventually realized their mistake, so now they have to take it out of my next two pay checks, which makes money really tight. Stephen is going to be helping me out with some of the bills I normally pay, but I just hate feeling like I'm a financial drain, or burden. I know I shouldn't feel like I' m a mooch, since we are in a serious relationship and have shared finances anyways, but it really freaks me out for some reason. So I've been stressed about that. That coupled with the fact that I've worked a bunch of double shifts this week, and have been really busy with other stuff when I'm not at work has left me tired, drained, and kind of left me really hating my job. It just feels like I never have as much free time as I'd like. I know it is a stupid thing to complain about, but I just wish I had more time to draw, and hang out with friends. I only work 45 hours a week, but when you factor in the fact I spend an hour getting to work, and an hour coming home every day (The magic of traffic) Work takes up like 55 hours a week. Anyways, I know that was a lot of whining, so for anyone who had the patience to sit through my emo post, here is a kink test.....
Also just a side note, I kind of half disagree with the results of this test. I'm far more vanilla in my tastes then this seems to think I am.
Your result for The Kink Spectrum Analysis Test...
Blue (450 nm)
You scored 58% self-confidence and 52% bandwidth!
Wow! You have quite a big repertoire when it comes to kinky sex. And you're probably also willing to play on either side of the fence. You should look for another Blue, or an Ultraviolet if you want to broaden your horizon. Greens may be okay as well but will probably bore you after a while. Reds are too vanilla for you.
But I promised you a more detailed analysis, so here it is. Note that most scales are twofold: There are separate values for giving (active) and receiving (passive). If you scored high on one of them, you should look for a partner who scored high on the other. If you scored high on both of them, go for someone who is similar (or for multiple partners if you're into that). If you scored low on both, this probably is not your kind of kink.
You scored 80% giving and 62% receiving on oral.
You scored 89% giving and 80% receiving on anal.
You scored 46% giving and 57% receiving on bondage.
You scored 52% giving and 38% receiving on humiliation.
You scored 17% giving and 10% receiving on pain.
You scored 48% dominance and 43% submission.
You scored 50% voyeurism and 35% exhibitionism.
Besides that, you're 50% into fetishism and 68% polysexual (i.e. interested in sex with multiple partners, whether at the same time or not). You'll probably want a partner who is similar, whether you scored high or low in these categories.
Finally, you scored 24% on autoerotic - a scale that measures your ability and/or willingness to have kinky fun without a partner. It's not exactly a matching criterion, but it's good for you if your score is high. Keep it up!
Take The Kink Spectrum Analysis Test at