Dec 10, 2003 22:08
Manchester is god awful as always. I don't spose there is a more dreary spot to be in England. Perhaps Liverpool, at least their claim to fame actually has musical talent instead of overly large mouths. My rehearsal schedule is crap. The over abundance of herbal tea back stage is doing nothing for my tired vocal chords. By opening night I will have to hire Robbie to take over the part.
All my life I've had friends older than I, but I've never been in a position to fall in love with someone my senior. There wasn't anything to cope with about that up until a few days ago. Information in the form of events taking place long ago shouldn't have precedence on the present, but what if said information is truly revolting? What if said information turns your stomach so that you're not sure you could ever look at the person in the same way again. Then what?