In SCA related news

Apr 19, 2009 20:21

Gentle Readers,

Today I took a few steps farther along a path that I've been avoiding for many years. I went to the A&S and I taped up a rattan "sword". I'm getting keener to do this armoured combat thing, but still not quite excited. Still, I'm getting a lot closer than I would be if I were waiting to get all of the fancy kit before starting.

I've got:
Helmet: Giant and ugly and needs some extra padding to sit at the right height. need 10 min.
Mitten Gauntlets: Need strapping and gloves. need a couple of hours.
Demi-Gauntlets: Good to go.
Leather forearms and steel elbows: Ready to go.
Legs and Knees: Even uglier than the helmet but again ready to go.
Sword: taped up and ready to go.

About to be purchased:
New gorget: (tuesday)
Body Armour: (this coming weekend)

Shoulder and upper arms: ideally steel pauldrons but I"ll take what I can get.
Shield. ideally a viking round, but ditto.
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