Our story so far

Oct 11, 2007 11:30

Gentle Readers,

So far, today is looking pretty good despite the weather. It was good to get back to class after nearly a week away. I kept getting my feet tangled in the 8 Direction Cut, but at least now I know that I do have the order right (or at least know what it is supposed to be) even if my tempo is terrible.

Lydia was grumpy heading out the door because she was UNCOMFORTABLE! with her sweater and her jacket and her whine all trying to fit on the same person. Fortunately swinging her up onto my shoulders and galloping the grumps out worked like a charm. I'm certain I'm not the only parent who is amused by a child who is trying to stay sad and keep crying while laughing at the same time.

In other good news the I tried the Firewire from our new video camera to the new Ubuntu media box and it worked with absolutely no twiddling in the innards of Linux. This makes me extremely happy as I had quite enough of that getting the wireless to work. Now, the application that generates the files seems to only be able to export .dv files, but that's a minor setback and, I'm sure, will be quickly overcome. What does this mean for the future of the internets? More videos of any anything I can manage to keep in the view finder.

Finally, I'll shortly be having lunch with an ex-coworker who is one of those brilliant people who make you smarter just by standing next to them.

On the down side, what I really should be doing today is reading through SMPTE specs which are, as one might get by the 5 letter acronym, generating about as much enthusiasm in me as a stack of Melba toast for lunch. Then, once that's done I get to go through the Labels Registry and the associated Labels Structure document. Wheeeeeee.

It's time like this I wish caffeine was not so bad for me.

daily, lydia, grumpy, lunch, video, facebook

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