Gentle Readers,
the_nita posted the following:
Life is chock-full of lies, but the biggest lie is math.
That's particularly clear in the discipline of probability, a field of study that's completely and wholly fake. When push comes to shove--when you truly get down to the core essence of existence--there is only one mathematical possibility:
Everything is 50-50. Either something will happen, or something will not.
When you flip a coin, what are the odds of it coming up heads? 50-50. Either it will be heads, or it will not. When you roll a six-sided die, what are the odds that you'll roll a three? 50-50. You'll either get a three or you won't. That's reality.
Don't fall into the childish "it's one-in-six" logic trap. That is precisely what all your adolescent authority figures want you to believe. That's how they enslave you. That's how they stole your conviction, and that's why you will never be happy. Either you will roll a three, or you will not; there are no other alternatives.
Chuck Klosterman, in Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs, a collection of essays.
[Your humble editor dearly wants to play high-stakes craps with Mr. Klosterman.]
I can only respond with a paraphrasing of Chuck, the uncle of Computing: I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a conclusion.
At least
this guy's logic was far more... um... Logical.