Jan 19, 2006 14:19
Gentle Readers,
One of the worst parts of the low blood sugar induced mood crash (or teetering on the precipice) is that you often twig onto some injustice that become the most important aspect of your life. Often this is something wholly manufactured and completely irrational and with those you have this little voice in the back of your head questioning you and asking why you are getting so upset about something that isn't even real. Sometimes, however, it's something real. For me those are the worst because you end up second guessing yourself not knowing if you are over reacting or if it is even something worth being upset about in the first place.
Right about now I could really go for some Chamomile tea but deep breathing is going to have to do.
Note to self: Public washrooms, while private, are not the best place for deep breathing.
deep breathing,