Recently I recalled a conversation I had with a mate of mine who's a professional stand-up, Carey Marx. He tours all over the world and was telling me of a recent gig he did in Hong Kong where he was told explicitly by the venue staff not to do any jokes about paedophiles. The reason for this being that there were more than a few business ex-pats with underage hookers in that night. Brrr...
Here's Carey in action...
Click to view
...more than a bit baked there.
I walked all the way to college on Monday and got a couple of snaps of the impressive fog which managed to make Hyde Park resemble a lost level of Silent Hill.
Even more impressively as I made my way up Golborne Road, the usual horrific sight of the brutalist monstrosity Trellick Tower was totally obscured by the fog. As if it had been photoshopped out of reality.
Trellick Tower usually looks like this.
You may recognise it from Day of the Triffids rip-off 28 Days Later. It's a monument to despair and I came very close to living there once. My mother politely told the council to go fuck themselves when they offered us that place.