
Feb 17, 2009 23:13

I humbly ask for help in translating this phrase...
I'm trying to translate this phrase into a comparable English quote but it's sooo difficult....  As I understand it, this phrase means perfection with flawless composure or perfection that appears effortless. This does not mean that the perfection was without effort; it refers to someone (or situation) that can pull it off without breaking a sweat.  It can also refer to a personality trait, meaning someone who is unpretentious and natural.  How do I express this in a nice, succinct, English phrase/quote?  Does such a phrase exist?  What would work here - unpretentious perfection? Naturally perfect?  Composed perfection? Flawless composure?  Someone suggested that Jim Breed's online dictionary translated this as "perfect beauty with no trace of artifice, flawless," but to me this definition doesn't quite capture the natural, pure essence of said perfection.  Besides, the way it's phrased seems to emphasize 'beauty' rather than 'perfect' and I need a nice, short quote, not a long-winded explanation.  Any help would be much appreciated.

I found this definition on a Japanese site: 『天衣無縫』
2.人柄などが、飾り気がなくありのままである。純真(じゅんしん)である。 類:●天真爛漫    source:   http://www.geocities.jp/tomomi965/kotowaza08/08-39-1.html  
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