My Bittersweet Goodbye

Jan 28, 2009 10:30

Someone once told me that there are a lot of different loves that you come across in your life. You have the first one, the one that helps you grow up and learn to appreciate what you had. The one that was doomed from the start and that will never really work even though you both want it to. And the one that's meant to last.

I've had two of the three. It's hard to say goodbye. To put up a wall that you build to try to block out the light from that love. To truly move on. The first love was pretty tough to say goodbye too. People change, and the connection I at one time thought would be there forever, I realized it wasn't there anymore. It was a tragic revelation, but at the same time it was reassuring, as if I was given a sign that moving on was and is the right thing.

I've recently experienced the second love, and it's still in the difficult stage. I'm just now starting to build the wall that I probably should have started on a while ago. I just hate to give up on something, on someone. And sure I still have feelings for the girl, but the time has come to say goodbye, at least in a romantic sense. When it happened I was sad, depressed, angry. Sad that it's over, depressed because I still care about her a lot, angry that she and I couldn't get it to work. But there it is; if we couldn't make it work, then maybe it just isn't the third love. And now I can see that it's not.

The wall is under construction, but I feel free already.
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