Apr 18, 2006 14:01
Fellow Friend(s):
Well, this weekend was fairly decent. I already informed you of Friday. On Saturday, I woke up halfway early and spent the day and nite with Kacy. Then Sunday nite I went to Tommy Bahama's in the Woodlands, excellent food I might add. That was a so and so time. (It was my mother's birthday). And today, I am in News Team right now working on my 200 Hallway Presentation...fun fun! Not...So anyway, it has been a bad day, because I'm not in a good mood and I'm ticked at myself for certain reasons, and I don't feel very confident and able of my dreams...ugh another world. Okay, well I'm sorry to everyone I have been rude, mean, ugly, annoying, unpleasant, bad adjectives, etc. to...Okay well, that's all folks.
Bye, baby.
I love you.