May 04, 2005 18:14
idk i just got home from the gym and uh idk my house is empty for some
reason and its getting close to dinner time.....johnston semi was
alright not too many ppl were there but Dicarlo said that was becaus
they were all suspended and shit...not much has been new---steves
getting his license in about a week so he refuses to do anything before
then, so all ive been doing is going to the gym, eating, sleeping and
drinking protien blows cant wait till summer....evan
got 4 votes and he wasn't even on the ballot....tippin on fo'
fo's...wrapped in fo' fo's....what else can i say---new york trip is
saturday and it'll be fun but if ur going reply to this LJ message (oh
yeah and leave a name)...thats all besides the monkey is practically
dead by now...oh yeah im pretty sure im gettin a job at Luigi's in
johnston so that should be cool to hang w/ nick and his g/f
(dorothy)...oh yeah thats another thing i hate---couples...i dont hate them hate them...there just everywhere and pissin me off....ok no honestly thats all...oh yeah dont forget to drink ya JUICE