Feb 11, 2006 22:16
More of the babies and panties story.
Whilst sbooting the "scavenger hunt" scene a frantic mother came running up to us saying
"HELP ME PLEASE! I've locked my keys in the car and my baby's in there! Go to *cafe* and get my husband, he works there. HURRY PLEASE!!!
So off we go down this street and through an alley not knowing were we are. trying to find a Cafe we've never been to and getting a guy we've never met. Finding him, then convincing him we're not joking. the guy runs off and the babys fine. We're heroes.
Then we must continue on our hunt and complete the list where one item was a pair of underwear. So we walk into a shope and ask the store lady we need a pair of undies, any kind, shape, colour, new or old it doesnt matter. Then the lying starts.
"yeh cus we're shooting a new reality show for Chanel 31" "yeh its gonna be on TV" "Sure we'll tell them were we got the undies"
"yeh we'll show your store" "free advertising" "CHANEL 31"
So the lady gives us a pair of brand new undies. a Pink G-string. with a cat on it.
Love and Peace
Don't steal kids.