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Nov 17, 2006 23:38

Why do people feel the need for attention? If there are such things as innate traits the need for attention would be the one. The first 30 seconds of interaction are the most important in a child's life. If the critical attention is not given, it could delay such milestones as talking and walking. But, that's an infant. They are helpless and rely on others for survival. So how does that reliance carry over into adolescence and eventually transcend all generations? Why do we not outgrow the need for attention?
Maybe it's the media. Ah yes, the media who has become the scapegoat for which to blame all of society's problems. Well before television did people still have such a demanding need for attention? I'm sure they did I mean people have always had selfish tendencies. I mean survival of the "most fit" which is not quite what Darwin said but that's beside the point. The link in question here is does attention relate to survival? Well I know an awful lot of clinically depressed people who would say yes. That their existance is dependant upon their reationship with others. I also know some who would call it a load of crap but even they get sad and lonely sometimes.
Parrots, even if given all the types of entertainment possible, will go insane if it does not experience contact with another living thing- such as a human or another parrot. Is this need for relationship simply die to boredom? Or is it deeper than that?
I feel that at least in the human world this need for attention may be to reassure the individual of themselves, increase their self esteem and keep them feeling loved and therefore "normal". When people get "crunk" or force a shriek of laughter it's for attention. It's to make them feel important or better than someone else. It can become a power struggle- especially if confined settings surrounded by mass audiences.
I'm so tired of the whole "I'm fat but I'm gonna shell out a ton of money to lose weight in a group but I'm not going to exercise and eat cheesecake and candy instead and then take a 10 min walk once in a blue moon and then whine and hate myself because I'm fat" thing. I'll admit that I am guilty. I'm sure most people are. But I feel like they like that back and forth struggle.
It seems people crave negative attention- especially from loved ones- more than positive. By negative attention I mean pity- in the sense of "aww it'll be ok. you can be lazy and not have to work hard"
I wonder why?
I know a reason could be that nothing is impressive enough anymore. Yeah you got dean's list. Big deal. So did a fourth of every high school. You should have gotten President's list. Now that just might impressive enough to bring up at the neighbors' dinner party. It's not enough that you don't drink or party or get high or have sex with anything that moves or sell drugs or rob stores and that instead you go to college and have a job and have morals and beliefs and actually give a damn about school and who you want to become and aren't totally wrapped up in other things. Sorry that's just too common. Positive attention is too hard to achieve. It's much easier to feign sickness to get your parents to care than it is to gain notoreity.
Now all that I say is simply speculation. It is the culmination of a night of observation and contemplation when I myself am a tad lonely. But I feel it holds some worth. I mean anyone who questions my theories on the whole attention through rebellion/abnoxious behavior is welcome to come visit my suite for the weekend. I think it will be clear as to why these theories are accurate. Infact visit any college or high school or for that matter office building or retirement home. Well maybe the retirement home is a stretch, but who knows.
Now there is a very thin line between wanting attention and relying on someone. I mean yes. Everyone needs some attention every once in a while. I suppose it's healthy and relying on people every once in a while to help you out or just be there to fall back on adds to this healthy attention. I just wish people didn't feel the need to have attention so much so that they act abnoxiously, do stupid stuff and eventually hurt others.
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